If you are thinking about filing for divorce, or if your spouse has initiated the divorce process, now is the time to make sure you will have an experienced family law attorney on your side throughout the process. Following are some reasons why.

Experience Assessing Divorce Options
Family law attorneys are experienced handling divorce cases like yours and can tell you at the outset what course(s) of action would be best for you in proceeding with your divorce — including your options in areas like child custody, division of property/finances, and child support.

A family law attorney can be more objective about your divorce than you can (especially when emotions run high), and will not make any rash decisions in handling your case. For instance, when you may be tempted to go for a quick resolution of property division through early settlement, your attorney may counsel you that it is in your best interests to wait for a more fair and equitable division.

Paperwork and Red Tape
An experienced attorney can work through the maze of paperwork that can be necessary in resolving your divorce, so that you can get on with your life.

Experts and Consultants
When handling a divorce, especially in complex cases where the divorcing couple has extensive property and financial interests, experienced family law attorneys often work with a team of experts and consultants who have experience in specialized areas, and will speak knowledgably to support arguments on the financial aspects of your case.

Alternative Dispute Resolution
An experienced family law attorney will know whether your divorce may be best resolved through alternative dispute resolution processes like mediation, potentially saving you time, money, and emotional energy.

Experience Working with Other Lawyers
An experienced family law attorney can deal most effectively and expediently with opposing counsel in the early exchange of information (the “discovery” process), during informal settlement negotiations, and in ADR or family court.

Favorable Settlement Agreements
Family law attorneys work hard to reach the best divorce settlement agreements for their clients, as early in the divorce process as possible.

Family Court Experience
If a trial becomes necessary, an experienced family law attorney can zealously represent you in court and work toward achieving the best possible verdict in your favor.

Category: Reasons to Hire a Board Certified Marital and Family Law Attorney

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Danny Haverman

Holly Gayle Gershon


301 Crawford Blvd., Suite 101
Boca Raton, FL 33432

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